With 537,000 sq ft of floor space, let to various occupants, over 12 floors, the requirement for standby emergency power warranted the installation of 6 brand new standby diesel generators in a completely refurbished basement room containing diesel fuel tank therefore reliable fire detection and suppression system was not just vital it was essential.
Works commenced within 2-3 weeks from order and took no more than a further two weeks to install and fully commission. This is because FirePro is not a pressurised gas and does not require pipework hence by comparison to traditional pressurised fire suppression systems, the installations costs are lower and the speed is faster. The client found that the proposal for water mist had proven inflexible and expensive by comparison to the price for FirePro which was substantially lower than the water mist system and protected the entire room volume.
The flexibility of FirePro was realised when the client required the diesel fuel tank room to be included in the system, which was easily achieved by extending the circuits and adding an additional two FirePro generators, something that both a water mist or pressurised gas system would prove expensive to achieve.